The Bible Study – 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

The Light of the Gospel – Part 1

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: 12th Sunday after Pentecost; Isaiah 29:13 & Mark 7:7; Teaching as Doctrines the commandments for men; Proper fear of God; Caller: John 13:10 & Matthew 23:23 (Wash Feet and Tithe Mint).

Studio A

Topics of Discussion: (1) “Mahdism, Eschatology, The Pew Study on Islamic Beliefs and US Policy toward the Muslim World”, and (2) “A Theological Movie Review: Batman, The Dark Knight Rises”

Wrestling With the Basics

With hosts Pastor John Lukomski and Pastor Matt Clark

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Open Mike Friday; Assurance of being in Heaven; and We don’t have the poser to effect salvation.

The Bible Study – 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Ministers of the New Covenant.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Ruminations with Pastor Kurowski and Pastor Smith; Can a Mormon be elected President?; Is it possible to lose your faith?; and Is social work the mission of the Church?

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Hymn of the Day; Oh God My Faithful God; Lord’s Supper necessary for salvation?; and John 6:53.