WLN Digest Minute

World Lutheran News for November 13, 2012.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Rev. Mark Smith. (2) Will God bless a country if it disobeys His will? (3) God does not commend or curse a country because of works? (4) Difference between sins and unbelief.

The Bible Study – Acts 24

Paul Before Felix at Caesarea; Paul kept in Custody.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Marty Lintvedt talks about giving praise and thanksgiving in all circumstances, (2) Sandra Ostapowich talks about the 2013 Higher Things Conference, (3) rev. Stanley Stanish talks about Hinduism and Christianity in India, (4) the biblical text for today is Matthew 26:20-35 “Institution of the Lord’s Supper” and “Jesus foretells Peter’s Denial”, and (5) Rev. Luke Schnake gives today’s Matins Sermonette.