Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center

 The broadcast of chapel services is brought to you by LCMS International Mission and Ministry to Armed Forces.
Learn more at international.lcms.org and lcms.org/armedforces.

LCMS Chapel

Chapel Schedule

The Order of Service for Daily Chapel varies according to the season of the Church Year, festival or feast day, and special occasions such as installation or commissioning services.

Chapel Sermon Archives

Listen to chapel sermons on demand! If you missed hearing chapel, want to hear the sermon one more time, or heard a sermon you want to share, you can listen anytime, anywhere.

In Our Prayers

Learn about our missionaries

We regularly pray for missionaries who serve around the globe. Learn about them and how you can pray for them and support their work.

Learn about our chaplains

We regularly pray for deployed military chaplains who serve with all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces around the globe. Learn about how chaplains serve and how you can pray for them.