Concord Matters – Large Catechism, the First Commandment

Today we talk about the Large Catechism and the explanation of the Appendix to the First Commandment.

Concord Matters – Large Catechism, the First Commandment

With guests Rev. Warren Woerth and Rev. David Juhl.

Concord Matters – Large Catechism Shorter Preface

Today we cover a wide variety of subjects such as the Ten Commandments, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Communion, Sacrament of the Altar, Lord’s Supper, Words of the Institution, and more.

Concord Matters – The Short Preface of the Large Catechism

Host Rev. Charlie Henrickson and guests Rev. Alan Wollenburg and Rev. Daniel Hinton discuss the Short Preface of the Large Catechism.

Concord Matters – Large Catechism – Why Luther wrote the Large Catechism

Today, we review the longer Preface to The Large Catechism and look at the reasons why Luther wrote this marvelous work and it is still needed today.

Concord Matters – Conclusion of the Augsburg Confession and Preface of the Large Catechism

Today we talk about the conclusion of the Augsburg Confession and begin to look at the Large Catechism.