LifeMoments – First Sunday in Lent (Genesis 22:12-14/Mark 1:9, 13)

Don’t mothers and fathers experiencing surprise pregnancies have the right to hear from God?

LifeMoments – Transfiguration of Our Lord (Psalm 50:2/Exodus 34:29-30/Mark 9:2-3)

The Almighty Father holds every human life open as a window to heaven.

LifeMoments – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany (Psalm 147:3)

Jesus atoned also for the sins of abortion and assisted suicide.

LifeMoments – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (1 Corinthians 8:13/Psalm 111:5)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t a brother or sister worth more than a million hamburgers?

LifeMoments – Second Sunday after Epiphany (John 1:46/1 Corinthians 6:9)

God created, redeemed, and called both worth and purpose into every human body.

LifeMoments – The Baptism of Our Lord (Genesis 1:2/Romans 6:4)

Our Savior sowed life even in death’s shadowy valleys.

LifeMoments – Second Sunday of Christmas (Ephesians 1:5/Luke 2:48)

Second Sunday of Christmas (Ephesians 1:5/Luke 2:48)

LifeMoments – St. John, Apostle and Evangelist (1 John 1:9-2:2/Revelation 1:5)

If we confess our sins, even sins against the sanctity of life, Jesus faithfully forgives and cleanses.

LifeMoments – Third Sunday in Advent (John 1:27/Isaiah 61:1/1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

Even the burdens of surprise pregnancy and terminal diagnosis give way to greater blessings.