A Moment on the Lighter Side

Rev. John Lukomski and “Special Guests” join host Gary Duncan for light-hearted conversation and entertaining exploration of Scripture.

Show Time: Monday at 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central Time
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A Moment on the Lighter Side: The Meaning of a Miracle

Gary continues to talk with St. Peter about the  account of feeding the 5 thousand in the Gospel according to St. John. What was the meaning of this miracle? What was Christ trying to teach? 

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Feeding the Five Thousand

Gary talks with St. Peter about the account of feeding the five thousand found in the Gospel according to St. John. 

A Moment on the Lighter Side: New Biblical Technology from the Professor

Gary connects with professor Lukomski and they talk about the latest biblical technology. It is always an enjoyable and strange conversation when professor Lukomski joins us. Listen to discover the latest invention from B.U.R.P.

A Moment on the Lighter Side: A Dog with Great Faith

Gary and Saint Peter conclude their discussion about the Canaanite woman–a woman,  Jesus said, had great faith. However, he also called her a dog. What is that all about? Listen to find out. 

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Great Faith

Gary and St. Peter continue their discussion about why Jesus called Peter a man of little faith but called the Canaanite woman a woman of great faith. Why the distinction?

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Walking on Water

We welcome back one of our regular guests as we reconnect with St. Peter. This week we talk about when St. Peter tried to walk on water to Jesus but sunk. Jesus said to Peter “You are of little faith.” What did he mean by that?

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Professor Lukomski

Gary has a fun chat with Professor Lukomski. The discussion was around new products available for Christmas giving from the Biblical Understanding Research Project (B.U.R.P). 

A Moment on the Lighter Side: A Final Visit with Titus

Gary concludes his discussion with Titus regarding the requirements and qualifications of a pastor.  We’ll look at Titus chapters two and three.

A Moment on the Lighter Side: The Making of a Minister

Gary continues his talk with Titus about the qualifications for becoming a pastor.

A Moment on the Lighter Side: Titus

Gary talks with Titus about the Epistle to Titus from Paul.