Faith’n’Family – Rev. Matthew and Heather Ruesch; Lutheran Young Adult Corps; Poet Michelle Swope

With guests Rev. Matthew and Heather Ruesch, Julianna Shults, and Michelle Swope.

Concord Matters – Special: Revisions to the Small Catechism

Special: Revisions to the Small Catechism – With host Andy Bates, DCE, and guests Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer, Rev. Larry Vogel, Rev. Dr. Chuck Arand, and Rev. John Pless.

The Student Union – One Year Anniversary of The Student Union

“One Year Anniversary of The Student Union” with Andrew Bates, KFUO Program Director, and the place of radio in the life of college students.

Concord Matters – Large Catechism, the Lord’s Prayer, First Petition

The Lord’s Prayer in the Large Catechism – First Petition.

Reformation Rush Hour – “Mormon Apostasy”

Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!