The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation as a Church Musician at Concordia Irvine

How is a young church musician formed through Lutheran education at Concordia University Irvine? Olivia Thoelke shares her story!

The Coffee Hour — LCMS Worship Institute: Connecting with Fellow Church Musicians

How has the LCMS Institute on Liturgy, Preaching and Church Music helped form musicians and church workers over the years? Kathy May shares her story!

The Coffee Hour — LCMS Worship Institute: Composing Music for the Church

How do musicians serve the church in music composition? Kile and Jacqueline Smith share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — LCMS Worship Institute: Visual Art and Graphic Design in Service to the Church

How do visual art and graphic design serve the church and ministry of the Word? April Parviz shares her story!