KFUO Radio
3726 Articles0 Comments

Studio A

Topics of Discussion: (1)Restoring Biblical Purity in the Church, (2)A Lutheran Response to Conscience Conflicts with Obamacare, (3)Christians Stoned at Dearborn’s Arab Fest, and (4)’If Not Us, Who?’ A biography of William Rusher

The Bible Study – 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Jesus Christ – the Wisdom and the Power of God

The Bible Study – 1 Corinthians 1:1-17

Paul greets the Corinthians and addresses their disunity.

The Bible Study – Exodus Ch. 40

The Tabernacle and God’s Glory.

The Bible Study – Exodus Ch. 39

Making the Garments for the Priests.

The Bible Study – Exodus 36:8-38:1

The Tabernacle is built according to God’s pattern.

The Bible Study – Exodus 35:1-36:7

God gives resources to build the Tabernacle.

The Bible Study – Exodus 34:11-35

God restores the Covenant.

The Bible Study – Exodus 34:1-10

Moses makes new tablets. God reveals His glory.

The Bible Study – Exodus 33:12-32

Moses intercedes for Israel a 3rd time.