With guests Chaplain Craig Muehler, Director of the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces, and Chaplain Gregory Todd, Chaplain to the Coast Guard.
Concord Matters
Study the Lutheran Confession of Faith found in the Book of Concord with lively discussions led by host Rev. Brady Finnern, President of the LCMS Minnesota North District, and guest LCMS pastors. Join us as these Christ-confessing Concordians read through and discuss our Lutheran doctrine in the Book of Concord in order to gain a deeper understanding of our Lutheran faith and practical application for our vocations.
Show Time: Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. Central Time
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Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession, Articles XXI “Review of Various Abuses” and Article XXII “Both Kinds in the Sacrament”
Today’s topics: The Church Universal (catholic); Rites and Ceremonies; Canon Law; Both kinds in the Sacrament.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession, Article XX “Good Works”
With guests Rick Marrs and Rev. Mark Surburg. Hosted by Rev. Charles Henrickson.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article XX: Good Works and the Role of Faith in Them
With guests Rev. Steve Schave and Rev. Mark Sell.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession: Articles XIX: The Cause of Sin and XX: Good Works
With guests Pastor Adam Douthwaite/Our Redeemer Lutheran, Dallas, Texas and Pastor Paul Landgraf/Pilgrim Lutheran, Limm and St. John’s, Owensville, Missouri.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession, Article XVIII: Free Will
Host Rev. Charles Henrickson and guests the Rev. Matt Wood and Rev. Chris Hull discuss Article XVIII, Free Will.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article XVI: Civil Government
Guests Rev. Dr. Tim Rossow and Rev. Steve Schumacher talks about important questions such as “Can a Christian serve in government, the military?” and “When is civil disobedience permitted?”.
Concord Matters – Augsburg XV: Church Ceremonies
With guest Rev. Marcus J. Baikie and Host Rev. Joshua Scheer, both of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Cheyenne, WY.