Morning Prayer Sermonette: Acts 11:1-18

Rev. Evan Goeglein gives today’s sermonette.

His Time – Christian Bioethics, “The Church in Antioch”

(1) Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics, and (2) Today’s sermonette features a reading from Luther’s Large Catechism.

Thy Strong Word – Acts 11 “Peter Reports to the Church”

Acts 11 “Peter Reports to the Church” with guest Rev. Scott Adle of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.

His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Caring Ministries, Peter Explains His Actions

(1) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Cyril Loum talks about the Caring Ministries for the City, and (3) Rev. Evan Goeglein looks at Acts 11:1-18 and gives today’s sermonette.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) 5th Sunday of Easter: Acts 11:9. (2) Has God changed His mind? (3) What God declares clean, don’t consider unclean.

The Bible Study – Acts Ch. 11

Peter Reports to the Church.