Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S4Ep3. Beyond Human: Thinking About Biotechnology | Rev. Dr. Trevor Sutton

Join Steph and guest Trevor Sutton as they discuss emerging advances in the world of biotechnology and what it has to do with our soteriology…our view of life, death, and salvation.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S4Ep2. How Is Tech Affecting Us? | Rev. Dr. Rick Serina

What are the effects of modern-day technology on our relationships, our church, our selves? Join Steph and guest Dr. Rick Serina as they talk about the rapid changes of tech at our fingertips.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S4Ep1. Technology & Christian Responsibility | Rev. Tim Bayer

Join Steph and Rev. Tim Bayer as they talk about the fundamentals of technology – what it is, what it’s for, and how Christians can use technology responsibly.

God’s Mission Here: S2 Ep1. LCMS School Ministry | Rev. Michael Meyer with Dr. Alan Freeman

Hear from Dr. Alan Freeman, the Director of LCMS School Ministry, on the important work of supporting Lutheran schools and resources for planting new schools.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Book Club Wrap Up: Little Women

Rachel leads Sarah and Erin in a highly anticipated conversation on Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.   

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Sharathon 2024: The Confirmation Party Planning Committee!

Following up on last year’s Baptism party episode, the Ladies are once again forming a Party-Planning Committee — and this time, they’re tackling confirmation.