{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Story Time with Sarah: The Wives of J.S. Bach

Sarah introduces us to the two wives of J.S. Bach: Maria Barbara Bach (1684–1720) and Anna Magdalena Bach (1701–1760).

The Coffee Hour — Death Is Swallowed Up By Death: Bach’s “Christ lag in Todesbanden”

Christ is risen! Rev. Brian Hamer talk about J.S. Bach’s BWV 4, “Christ lag in Todesbanden” (Christ Lay in Death’s Strong Bands).

The Coffee Hour — Bach’s St. John Passion with the American Kantorei

J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion is an experience like none other during Holy Week. Dr. Maurice Boyer shares about this piece and the American Kantorei’s performance of it.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve + Bach Week: Serving As A Modern-Day Kantor

Kantor Matthew Machemer talks about his journey to being a Kantor and Bach’s influence on this role today.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Week: 300th Anniversary of the Chorale Cantata Cycle

Dr. Martin Dicke talks about Bach’s celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Lutheran Chorale in 1724 with the Chorale Cantata Cycle.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Week: Formation as a Cantor

Paul Soulek and Renata Peperkorn talk about being Cantor and Cantoral Intern at Higher Things, and Bach’s place in their church work formation.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Week: Liturgy in Bach’s Leipzig

Dr. Jonathan Wessler talks about Liturgy in Bach’s Leipzig.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Week: Cantata 75 and “What God Ordains Is Always Good”

Rev. Brian Hamer talks about the legacy of Bach’s Cantata 75 and where we sing it today in our Lutheran Service Book.

The Coffee Hour — Holy Week with J.S. Bach (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Chaplain Brian Hamer, active duty Navy Chaplain.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Birthday Celebration

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Paul Robinson and Bruce Durazzi from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.