Sharper Iron — The Word Made Flesh: Greater Love Has No One Than This

Rev. Andrew Preus, pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in New Haven, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study John 15:12-17.

Sharper Iron — The Word Made Flesh: Abide in Jesus, the True Vine

Rev. Dr. Scott Murray, pastor at Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study John 15:1-11.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 15:12-27

Rev. Doug Minton gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 15:1-11

Rev. Shawn Linnell gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., on John 15:26-16:4

Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., gives today’s sermon based on John 15:26-16:4.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson on John 15:(12-16) 17-21

Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson gives today’s sermon based on John 15:(12-16) 17-21.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 15:12-27

Rev. Doug Minton gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 15:1-11

Rev. Shawn Linnell gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Wurst on John 15:26 -16:4

Rev. Robert Wurst gives today’s sermon based on John 15:26 – 16:4

Law and Gospel — Pentecost Sunday’s Lectionary: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the Old Testament reading for Pentecost Sunday’s Lectionary.