Concord Matters – The Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article XXIII

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Charles Henrickson and guests Rev. Kevin Golden and Rev. Paul Landgraf

Thy Strong Word – Job 20: Zophar Speaks: The Wicked Will Suffer

Job 20: Zophar Speaks: The Wicked Will Suffer with guest Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden from Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden on Isaiah 55:1–9 Audio File Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden gives today’s sermon based on Isaiah 55:1–9. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist for…

Thy Strong Word – Psalm 119:65-120

Psalm 119:65-120 with guest host Rev. Kevin Parviz, pastor of Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, Missouri, and guest Rev. Kevin Golden from Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour – In the Beginning

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with the Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, pastor of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – Catechism Review: “Christian Questions & Answers”

Catechism Review: Christian Questions & Answers with guest Rev. Kevin Golden from Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

Concord Matters – Confession and Satisfaction

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Charles Henrickson and guests Rev. Mark Sell and Rev. Kevin Golden

The Coffee Hour – The Coronation of Jesus in the Flesh

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden, pastor of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – Psalms 22, 69, 109

Psalms 22, 69, 109 with guest Rev. Kevin Golden from Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – James 2: The Sin of Partiality

James 2: “The Sin of Partiality” with guest Rev. Kevin Golden from Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri.