Daily Chapel — Rev. Kevin Robson on Matthew 21:23-27

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on Matthew 21:23-27. 

Daily Chapel — Rev. Peter Lange on Matthew 21:33b-46

Rev. Peter Lange gives today’s sermon based on Matthew 21:33b-46.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Tyler Arnold on Matthew 21:1-12

Rev. Dr. Tyler Arnold gives today’s sermon based on Matthew 21:1-12.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana on Matthew 21:10-17

Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana gives today’s sermon based on Matthew 21:10-17.

The Coffee Hour — Looking Forward to the First Sunday in Advent

Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard dives into the Gospel reading for the First Sunday in Advent.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 21:23-46

Rev. Gaven Mize gives today’s sermonette.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: Matthew 21:1-22

Rev. Dr. John Bombaro gives today’s sermonette.

Wrestling With the Basics — Which Son Are You?

With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Lectionary.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Lectionary.