Concord Matters – Completion of the Preface

Today we finish talking about the preface. Luther exhorts to study God’s Word and the Catechism daily until we are smarter than God.

Concord Matters – Historical Intro and Preface of the Augsburg Confession

Hosted by Rev. Charles Henrickson. With guests Rev. Dr. Dan Harmelink and Dr. Matt Phillips.

Concord Matters – Rest of the Preface; Paragraphs 11-27

With guests Rev. Steve Cholak of Youth Ministry Dept. LCMS and Vicar Josh Haller of St. Paul Lutheran Church , Hillsdale, Michigan

Concord Matters – Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord

Paragraphs 19-21 of Preface to Book of Concord with guests Rev. Dr. Kevin Golden of Village Lutheran Church in Ladue, Missouri, and Scott Diekmann, Layperson from Seattle, Washington.

Concord Matters – Digging Deeper

More investigation into the background and the Preface to the Book of Concord with guests Deaconess Ellie Corrow, Pr. Kyle Mietzner, and Sandra Ostapowich.