Thy Strong Word — Intelligent Hearts and Wise Ears

The Rev. Timothy Barkett joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Proverbs 18:13-24.

Thy Strong Word — Proverbs 18:1-12: The Wisdom of Community

The Rev. Thomas Eckstein joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Proverbs 18:1-12.

Law and Gospel — Bible Study Wednesday: Proverbs 18

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Proverbs 18.

Law and Gospel — Bible Study Wednesday: Proverbs 18:6ff

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Proverbs 18 beginning at verse 6.

Sharper Iron — Podcast Short: Pondering Proverbs 18:18

Casting lots is a great equalizer between powerful contenders, because the LORD is more powerful than either one.

Sharper Iron — Wisdom and Instruction: Wisdom Loves Community in Christ

Rev. Matt Wietfeldt, director of admissions and director of the Christ Academy program at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Proverbs 17:25-18:24.

Thy Strong Word – Proverbs 18 “Whoever Isolates Himself Seeks His Own Desire”

Proverbs 18 “Whoever Isolates Himself Seeks His Own Desire” with guest Rev. Larry Troxel of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Bowen, IL.