Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Pastors Kurowski and Pelsue, (2) What kind of Law do you give to a person?, (3) what do you call Lutheran’s who enjoy hearing the Gospel?, (4) Luther’s “Bondage of the Will”, and (5) Caller: “First Gospel is God asking Adam where he is”.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Ruminations with Pastors Kurowski and Smith, (2) Romans 10:4 and the end of the Law?, (3) Romans 10:9 as how believers can save themselves?, (4) the difference between good works and fruit of the Holy Spirit, and (5) Two Callers with interesting questions.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Runminations with Pastor Kurowski and Pastor Smith; Presbyterian: Saved by Faith plus Good Work; All theology is Christology; Stages of Faith; Caller: Zechariah 3:1-8 Where is Christology?

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: Ruminations with Pastor Kurowski and Pastor Smith; Can a Mormon be elected President?; Is it possible to lose your faith?; and Is social work the mission of the Church?

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1)Ruminations with Pastor Kurowski and Pastor Smith, (2) What does “not putting away the flesh” mean?, (3)
Baptism is not regeneration, and (4) Lois and dog euthanized.