1. Reformation 2017
Rev. Randall L. Golter, Special Assistant to the President of the LCMS, talks about Reformation 2017: It’s (Still) All About Jesus. As the 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches next year, many Lutherans are busy getting ready to celebrate. Rev. Golter shares resolutions from convention, wonderful features on the LutheranReformation.org website (including a digital flannelgraph, video clip of the new Luther documentary, and Reformation Rock performed by Lost and Found), four special liturgical dates churches can celebrate in the coming year, a tour in Germany, news and updates.
2. Witness Wednesday
With Rev. Mark Wood, Director of Witness and Outreach in the LCMS Office of National Mission.
3. Daily Lectionary
Rev. David Mumme from Trinity Lutheran Church in Waterville, Minnesota, studies Acts 22:30-23:11.
4. Morning Prayer Sermonette
Today’s sermonette is by Rev. David Mumme from Trinity Lutheran Church in Waterville, Minnesota.

Acts 22:30-23:11
Paul Before the Council
30 But on the next day, desiring to know the real reason why he was being accused by the Jews, he unbound him and commanded the chief priests and all the council to meet, and he brought Paul down and set him before them.
23 And looking intently at the council, Paul said, “Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.” 2 And the high priest Ananias commanded those who stood by him to strike him on the mouth. 3 Then Paul said to him, “God is going to strike you, you whitewashed wall! Are you sitting to judge me according to the law, and yet contrary to the law you order me to be struck?” 4 Those who stood by said, “Would you revile God’s high priest?” 5 And Paul said, “I did not know, brothers, that he was the high priest, for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’”
6 Now when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, “Brothers, I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees. It is with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial.” 7 And when he had said this, a dissension arose between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided. 8 For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all. 9 Then a great clamor arose, and some of the scribes of the Pharisees’ party stood up and contended sharply, “We find nothing wrong in this man. What if a spirit or an angel spoke to him?” 10 And when the dissension became violent, the tribune, afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces by them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him away from among them by force and bring him into the barracks.
11 The following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Take courage, for as you have testified to the facts about me in Jerusalem, so you must testify also in Rome.”
English Standard Version (ESV)The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.