What makes a hymn a hymn? Dr. John Behnke (Organist at Trinity Lutheran Church of Southwest Florida, Composer, and Professor Emeritus of Concordia University Wisconsin) and Rev. Stephen Starke (published hymnwriter and retired Pastor of St. John Amelith Lutheran Church in Bay City, MI) join Andy and Sarah to talk about the upcoming “A Day with Hymnwriter, Rev. Stephen Starke” happening on January 24, 2025 at Trinity Lutheran Church of Southwest Florida in Port Charlotte, Florida. Hear a conversation about what makes a hymn different from other types of music we sing, what makes a hymn a good hymn, how hymns from hundreds of years ago are still relevant today, and how hymns create community among God’s people. Learn more about this event at https://www.facebook.com/events/1142207233541604 and about Trinity Lutheran Church at trinitylutheranchurchswfl.org.
Photo courtesy of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod/Erik M. Lunsford. Used by permission.
The Coffee Hour is underwritten by Concordia University Wisconsin. Live Uncommon. Learn more at cuw.edu.
Have a topic you’d like to hear about on The Coffee Hour? Contact Andy Bates at andrew.bates@kfuo.org or call 314-996-1519.