Cross Defense

Challenge your theological synapses with Rev. Tyrel Bramwell, Pastor of St. Mark Lutheran Church in Ferndale, CA, as he examines curious topics to excite the imagination, equip the mind, and comfort the soul with God’s ordering of the world in the Law and Gospel.

Show Time: Saturdays at 11:00 – 12:00 p.m. Central Time
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Cross Defense — Characteristics of The Loving Resistance Fighter (Rebroadcast)

Rev. Sam Schuldheisz teaches us more about the redeemed imagination.

Cross Defense — Is the New Testament Trustworthy? (Rebroadcast)

How does the historical method answer the question of whether or not the Nest Testament is trustworthy?

Cross Defense — How Do Democracy and Christianity Connect? (Rebroadcast)

John Warwick Montgomery helps us understand the relationship between democracy and Christianity.

Cross Defense — FLAME, from Baptist to Lutheran

Hear FLAME’s story of his journey from Calvinism to Lutheranism.

Cross Defense — 3 Reasons Lutherans shouldn’t become Romans Catholic or Eastern Orthodox

Hear three pieces of advice Rev. Marcus Williams has for Lutherans who may be considering converting to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy.

Cross Defense — Interview with an Abortion Abolitionist

Pastor Bramwell sits down with T. Russel Hunter, the founder of Abolitionists Rising, to learn more about what an abortion abolitionist is and what the distinction is between them and advocates of the Pro-Life Movement.

Cross Defense — Blessing Homosexual Couples: The Pope Says It’s Okay

Pope Francis approved Fiducia Supplicans allowing priests to bless same-sex couples.

Cross Defense — Christ Comforts the Conscience (Rebroadcast)

How does the Law serve the Christian? Does the Gospel mean the Law is useless for believers?

Cross Defense — You’re a Christian, Not a D.I.N.K.

Dual Income, No Kids (DINKS) is the new term for married or cohabiting couples who choose selfishness over having kids.

Cross Defense — Contraception and a Pre-1960s America

What do Republican and Democrat party platforms say about abortion and contraception?