LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Exploring the 40 End Goals: Vocation for What’s Next

DCE Amanda Jahnke joins Mark and Julianna to talk about vocation with teens now and in the future.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Difficult Conversations: Suicide

Megan Miessler, LCSW, joins Mark and Julianna to talk about how we can approach the topic of suicide and care for young people who may experience crisis around suicide.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Exploring the 40 End Goals: Life In All Things

Deaconess Emma Heinz and Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor talk about how we approach life issues in youth ministry and teach a full theology of life in all things to our youth.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Difficult Conversations: Drug and Alcohol Addiction 

Rev. Brian Earl joins Mark and Julianna to talk about ministering in the face of drug and substance use and addiction.

2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions. Why is Sharing Jesus With Others So Hard (But Necessary)?

Join Pastor Dawit as he walks you through his struggles and God’s grace as he was sharing the message of Jesus over the last decade in one of the most diverse places in the nation in the San Francisco Bay area.

2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions. But Like…What If There Is No God?

Atheists and agnostics, apatheists and “nones,” the spiritual-but-not religious and…Christian atheists?!

2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions. Religion, Religions, Religious?

You’ve got your Buddhist neighbor and your Jewish friend, your Muslim teammate and your spiritual-but-not-religious cousin. Maybe you’ve wondered to yourself: what do they actually believe?

2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions. Problem Parents or Parent’s Problem?

Ever have a problem with your parents? Discover strategies for how to have a better understanding of and relationship with your parents and care givers.

2022 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions. The ABC’s of Defending Your Faith

If someone asked why you were a Christian, what would you say?

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Exploring the 40 End Goals: In the Midst of Difficult Times

Pastor Brandon Metcalf talks about his study and how we can support teens regardless of what challenges they face.