Faith’n’Family – Advent Activities for Families

With guests Jackie Meyer and Amanda Markel.

Studio A – The “O” Antiphons (pt.1)

“What is Advent?” with Rev. Nathan Meador, and The “O” Antiphons: ‘Wisdom’ with Rev. Anthony Iovine, ‘Lord’ with Rev. Gary Nagy, and ‘Root of Jesse’ with Rev. Frank Ruffato.

His Time – Creation Club, Services of Advent, Day of the Lord

(1) David Johnson and William Wingfield talk about the upcoming Services of Advent Lessons and Carols, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on the Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Kirk Clayton looks at 2 Peter 3:1-18 and gives today’s sermonette.

Faith’n’Family – How do we use the seasons to tell our neighbors about Jesus?

How do we use the seasons of the church to tell our neighbors about Jesus? — with guest Mark Wood.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Mark Smith. (2) Advent and John the Baptizer. (3) West Point chapel same sex marriage. (4) Definition of repentance. (5) Liturgical difference between Lutheran and Reformed. (6) Jesus appears in passage of David and Goliath 6 times. (6) Union paper saying strikes are Biblical.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Open Mike Friday, (2) Seventh Day Adventist “worldly” problems, (3) Two different stories in Genesis?, and (4) Do you tell a person to ask God for faith?