5 Minutes with a Missionary — LCMS International Mission: S5Ep7. Collisions | Angie Sharp

Angie Sharp (Uruguay) explores the collisions of algebra and poetry, Spanish and English, parent and teacher, Summer and Christmas.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: Holy Week in Montevideo, Uruguay

The Ladies welcome international missionary Angie Sharp into the Lounge—all the way from Montevideo, Uruguay!

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson on John 15:(12-16) 17-21

Rev. Dr. Ross Johnson gives today’s sermon based on John 15:(12-16) 17-21.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Sean Daenzer on Galatians 3:15-22

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Galatians 3:15-22.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Kevin Robson on Genesis 22:1-14

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 22:1-14.