Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep24. A Mothering Mindset | Dcs. Dr. Tiffany Manor & Mrs. Kris Freeman

LCMS Life Ministry leaders Tiffany & Kris discuss the sacrifice a mother makes for her children, and how her mindset on motherhood matters to God.

A Moment for the Family: Developmental Milestones

Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon talk about the pace of life and ways to stay up to date on the issues impacting the family. Do you have a fear of missing out?  Join us and learn about child development and a new checklist for developmental milestones for young children.

A Moment for the Family: Scheduling and Sports

Dr. Mary Manz Simon discusses with Gary Duncan scheduling concerns as kids return to school sports. We should be aware of scheduling issues and at times we need to adjust each child’s commitment to do what is best for the family.

A Moment for the Family: Teens, Stress, and Sleep

Dr. Mary Manz Simon has a discussion with Gary Duncan about teenagers and how they are dealing with more stress than ever before

A Moment for the Family: When to Bend the Rules

Dr. Mary Manz Simon shares with Gary Duncan information how many families bend the rules during isolation in the course of the pandemic. Should the relaxation of the rules be brought back into balance? Listen to discover the right balance.

A Moment for the Family: Family Mental Health

Dr. Mary Manz Simon discusses with Gary Duncan information about what the American Academy of Pediatrics is calling a mental health crisis

A Moment for the Family: Learning Tips—Helping Kids with Math

Dr. Mary Manz Simon shares some helpful tips with Gary Duncan on ways to help kids with math. These timely tips may help kids who have lost some learning opportunities because of on-line learning during the continuing pandemic.

A Moment for the Family: Strategies for Stressful Times

Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon discuss how pandemic disruptions continue into the new year. Mary shares with us ways strategies for coping with this stressful time.

A Moment for the Family: Thankfulness amidst Challenges

Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon discuss the supply chain issues and how they are affecting school lunch programs. Even while people continue to struggle with supply shortages Gary and Mary share the message to be thankful for what we have.