Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Pre-Assyrian Potpourri

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson studies Genesis 35:16-37:2a regarding the messianic prophecy in Micah and its relation to this text, the lust for power, the death of Isaac and hardships of Jacob, why these Biblical genealogies are important to the bigger story, and the inheritance promised to Abraham.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Foreign Gods and Buried Treasure

Rev. Luke Zimmerman studies Genesis 35:1-15 regarding the importance of relationships and vows within the Lord’s religion, how the idea of reconsecrating oneself to the Lord includes removing that with is foreign to the Lord and His ways, and the Lord’s care for Jacob (and us Christians in our Baptisms).

Thy Strong Word – Genesis 35 “God blesses and Renames Jacob”

Genesis 35 “God Blesses and Renames Jacob” with guest Rev. Tim Ostermeyer of Hope Lutheran Church in St. Ann, MO.