Friends for Life — LCMS Life Ministry

We believe that God is the author and sustainer of all life. We also know it can be hard to speak about the intrinsic value of life, health and the family when it feels like the world is trying to drown us out.

We’re right here beside you. In this podcast of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Life, Health and Family Ministry, we’re coming alongside one another as a community of Christ’s redeemed people. Together we’ll explore life, health and family issues in a way that honors our heavenly Father’s value of human life, serves our neighbor, shares the faith and connects us to others who are doing the same. Join us, so that together we can be friends for life.

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Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep3. Transgenderism in Teens & Adolescents | Dr. Beverly Yahnke

A Christian response to the growing trend of transgender issues among teens and adolescents.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep2. Male & Female By Design | Dr. Joel Biermann

Is sex a social construct, or is a person created male and female by design? Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Joel Biermann answers this question and more!

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S2Ep1. Is Sexuality Really That Big of a Deal? | Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor & Steph Neugebauer

Listen as Tiffany and Steph introduce the “why” behind this season and how God’s written and natural law change everything.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep59. A Refuge for Refugees | Rev. Chris & Kelly Asbury

All Christians are strangers in a strange land. Learn how our theology leads us to care for the refugees and sojourners among us.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep57. Luther on Mental Illness | Dr. Stephen Saunders

Dr. Stephen Saunders to talks about the stigmatization of mental illness within the church and how Luther himself addressed matters of mental health.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep56. An Intro to Reproductive Bioethics | Rev. Dr. Kevin Voss

Dr. Kevin Voss talks about the field of bioethics and how our Lutheran theology helps us navigate the nuanced world of reproductive technology.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep55. A Peaceful Approach to Sidewalk Advocacy | Lauren Muzyka & Nate Robertson

Lauren Muzyka and Nate Robertson of Sidewalk Advocates for Life talk about SAFL’s impact on families across the country through their peaceful approach to advocacy on the sidewalks outside of abortion and abortion-referral facilities.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep54. Simple Habits for Marital Happiness | Rev. Dr. Randy Schroeder

Dr. Randy Schroeder, author of Simple Habits for Marital Happiness, joins Steph to talk about…you guessed it – the simple habits that lead to marital happiness.