Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep25. Friends in Real Life: Parenting Twins with Autism | Rev. Sam & Olivia Pitsch

Sam and Olivia share their story about the joys and the challenges they share in raising twin boys who have been diagnosed with autism.

The Coffee Hour – A New Park for Every Body

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Jamie Peniston Vann, President & Founder of Spirit of Discovery Park St. Louis.

The Coffee Hour – Love for All People

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Heather Kaufman, author of “Loving Isaac” available from Concordia Publishing House

Faith’n’Family – Christmas Country Church Tour; Holidays and Autism

With guests Terry Pohlman, Olivia Scheuler and Erin Phillips.

Faith’n’Family – Update on Boy Scouts; Holidays with Autism

Update on Boy Scouts; Holidays with Autism.

Faith’n’Family – Athletes and 2nd Commandment, Holidays and Autism

Athletes & the 2nd Commanmdent with guest Dr. Micah Parker, and Preparing for the Holidays with Children on the Autism Spectrum with guests Olivia Scheuler and Erin Phillips.