Thy Strong Word — Luke 16: You Cannot Serve God and Money

The Rev. Steven Theiss joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Luke 16.  

Thy Strong Word — Proverbs 21:14-31: The Wisdom of Temperance

The Rev. Steven Theiss joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Proverbs 21:14-31.

Thy Strong Word — Proverbs 12:15-28: Truthful Lips Endure Forever

The Rev. Steven Theiss joins host the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Proverbs 12:15-28.

Thy Strong Word — Deuteronomy 30: Repentance and Forgiveness

The Rev. Steven Theiss joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Deuteronomy 30.

Thy Strong Word — Deuteronomy 12-13: God’s Laws for Worship

The Rev. Steven Theiss joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Deuteronomy 12-13.

Thy Strong Word — Mark 4:35-5:20: Storms Stilled, Demons Defeated

The Rev. Steven Theiss, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Mark 4:35-5:20.

Thy Strong Word — Joshua 6: The Walls Came Tumbling Down

The Rev. Steven Theiss, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Joshua 6.

Thy Strong Word — Acts 21:27-22:29: “Surprise! I’m a Citizen.”

The Rev. Steven Theiss, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Acts 21:1-26.

Thy Strong Word — Acts 8:26-40: Here is Water! What Prevents Me?

The Rev. Steven Theiss, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Acts 8:26-40.

Thy Strong Word — 1 Samuel 21: David’s Secret Mission and the Spy Who Betrayed Him

The Rev. Steven Theiss, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study 1 Samuel 21.