Kristin Lange, career missionary to Germany and managing director for the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg, joins us from Wittenberg to talk about The Wittenberg Project. Looking forward to next year’s 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, Kristin manages projects including the day-to-day operations of the Old Latin School, programs for tours and visitors, and preparations for festivals for next year’s “World Reformation Exhibition” celebration. Learn more about The Wittenberg Project at thewittenbergproject.org and the Old Latin School at oldlatinschool.org.
Learn more about Kristin at lcms.org/kristin.lange. Read part of her bio here: Kristin Lange serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a career missionary in Germany. Kristin is the managing director for the International Lutheran Society of Wittenberg, gGmbH (ILSW). In this role, she provides strategic, organizational and operational oversight of The Wittenberg Project and the International Lutheran Center. Through various programming, she also reaches out to the residents of Wittenberg and the surrounding areas with the Gospel. By establishing this confessional Lutheran presence in Wittenberg, Kristin invites people worldwide to come and deepen their understanding and appreciation of the gifts that have come from the Reformation.
Listen to the full Faith & Family program from October 31, 2016, here.