Phillip Magness, Music Specialist serving the Lord in West & Central Africa, joins Andy and Sarah to talk about his journey into his music vocations, stories about his initial work in Francophone Africa, the legacy of church music in Africa, and how local African churches make Lutheran church music their own. Read more about Phillip and how to support his work at
The hymns in today’s program, “Avant que l’abue n’ait paru” and “C’est un rempart que notre Dieu” and the first recording of Psalm 27 were recorded by students of Cantor Phillip Magness at Christ Le Roi Lutheran Church in Brazzaville, Congo. The second excerpt of Psalm 27 was recorded by St. Augustine Lutheran Church in Brazzaville, Congo. Permission for use granted by the Comité liturgique francophone of the Lutheran Church-Canada.
View the music featured in this episode on YouTube.
“A Mighty Fortress”:
Psalm 27: Students of mine at Christ the King Parish (Christ le Roi) in Brazzaville, Congo, learning a setting of Psalm 27.
Psalm 27 – The same song inculturated: Here it is being sung two years later at a different parish (St. Augustine).
“Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds” (en français):
Featured image: Students of Cantor Phillip Magness at Christ Le Roi Lutheran Church in Brazzaville, Congo, sing “C’est un rempart que notre Dieu,” “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”
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