Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep7. Friends in Real Life: An Adoption Journey | Dr. Tim & Rebekah Janke

The first in an ongoing series called Friends in Real Life, this episode includes a story of a family on their journey through the process of adoption.

The Coffee Hour – 491st Commemoration of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession: Live from LWML National Convention

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Daniel Harmelink, Executive Director of Concordia Historical Institute.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Erin’s Recipe Card: Iron Ladle Challenge — VBS Snacks

The Lutheran Ladies forego a common ingredient in favor of a common theme: Vacation Bible School snacks that double as craft activities.

Concord Matters – The Catechized Life and Wife

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Mark Bestul

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: NLOMA Summer Camp

Let’s face it: some Adventures in Lutheranism are just a little more adventurous than others — and this episode is proof positive.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep6. Social Media and Life Issues | Sarah Gulseth

KFUO Radio’s Sarah Gulseth joins Steph Neugebauer to help answer the question: “How do we have a conversation about life issues without losing friends [on social media]?”

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Short: The Seaweed Snack — Comedy Behind the Scenes

Erin tries to enjoy her seaweed snack, while Rachel brews hotel coffee.

Concord Matters – The Catechized Life: The Hinge

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Mark Bestul

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Conversations with Creatives: Beth Ritzman

Beth Ritzman, a micro-farmer of microgreens, gardener on many levels, former missionary to Papua New Guina, and fellow Lutheran Lady, joins Sarah, Erin, Bri, and Rachel to share how creativity infuses every part of growing things.